Why you should not blow your nose hard

f you have a cold or allergies, blowing your nose can help to clear your ... Remember not to blow too hard or force it; if nothing comes out, just stop blowing.The nasal cycle is the often unnoticed alternating partial congestion and decongestion of the ... It should not be confused with pathological nasal congestion. ... nasal fossa filled when the patient was in the lateral decubitus (lying down on your side) position. ... sensation of not being able to shift mucus by blowing the nose.Nasal irrigation, or nasal lavage or nasal douche, is a personal hygiene practice in which the nasal cavity is washed to flush out excess mucus and debris from the nose and sinuses. ... Irrigation should be used with caution in infants, as nasal drops are not widely tolerated. Treatment ..... And Why Would You Use One?".